每日快看:Mature port and shipping AI products, digital port intelligent p
CIMCAI 集装箱AI/航运港口人工智能垂直领域领军企业。
CIMCAI artificial intelligence enterprise in Shanghai, China, is the leading shipping port high-tech enterprise in the world,
The mature port and shipping AI products are the first in the industry, and the core technology is the world's top level digital port and shipping automation.
CIMCAI is the world's leading container AI enterprise, and the world's leading shipping port high-tech enterprise,
Ceaspectus, the first port AI ™ The products are mature, and the world's super-class efficient AI super port terminal is built.
CIMCAI leads the global application of intelligent ports and terminals, and advanced artificial intelligence technology improves the efficiency of the port area,
Optimize the order of the port area, reduce the intervention of personnel in dangerous areas, and reduce the contact between personnel/containers.
CIMCAI intelligent inspection container has been recognized by the world's top three shipping companies,
CIMCAI is a leading enterprise in the vertical field of container AI/shipping port AI.
CIMCAI advanced products are completely based on camera video stream, without trigger devices such as weighbridge infrared,
The leading technology automatically senses the location+track of the container/container, and fully automates the identification and inspection of the container condition and damage/the identification of the container information/the identification of the container information.
Automatic and intelligent container inspection in the container handover area reduces manual intervention, and saves the work of tracing the source of bad containers at ports and terminals,
Refine container control in port area, improve efficiency, reduce cost and reduce personnel with mature port AI, and improve port efficiency with advanced products.
easpectusG ™ Super gate products, fully automatic identification and detection of container info/damage in the process of entering and leaving the gate.
High recognition rate above 99.95%, zero contact, high real-time and fast switching.
ceaspectusT ™ Full-automatic container info/damage identification detection and record during loading and unloading of intelligent tally products,
Improve the efficiency of container information entry, reduce contact, and distinguish between good and bad containers. ceaspectusC ™ Tire crane/rail crane alignment products,
Accurate automatic alignment detection of containers, successful landing at one time, reducing the time spent on dislocation.
CIMCAI's leading products of CIMCAI lead the global container AI/port shipping AI applications,
The leader in the vertical field of container AI/port and shipping AI, with leading products going global.
CIMCAI has completed the identification of container information for hundreds of millions of times in the world,
Complete the damage inspection of millions of artificial intelligence containers around the world, and cooperate with the ports of the world's top shipping companies,
The product has been put into production on a large scale in the production environment of various ports in the world, and the product identification rate/accuracy rate/real-time performance indicators are at the top level in the world.
CIMCAI is a leader in the vertical field of artificial intelligence for container ports and shipping, leading the global AI for port and shipping.
CIMCAI 集装箱AI/航运港口人工智能垂直领域领军企业。
CIMCAI artificial intelligence enterprise in Shanghai, China, is the leading shipping port high-tech enterprise in the world,
The mature port and shipping AI products are the first in the industry, and the core technology is the world's top level digital port and shipping automation.
CIMCAI is the world's leading container AI enterprise, and the world's leading shipping port high-tech enterprise,
Ceaspectus, the first port AI ™ The products are mature, and the world's super-class efficient AI super port terminal is built.
CIMCAI leads the global application of intelligent ports and terminals, and advanced artificial intelligence technology improves the efficiency of the port area,
Optimize the order of the port area, reduce the intervention of personnel in dangerous areas, and reduce the contact between personnel/containers.
CIMCAI intelligent inspection container has been recognized by the world's top three shipping companies,
CIMCAI is a leading enterprise in the vertical field of container AI/shipping port AI.
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