1、Fairy Tale 麦克摇滚(MLRT) 传奇英文版 迈克学摇滚 It was in that misty morning when I saw your smiling face You only had to look at me and I was yours And then I turned and you were nowhere to be seen You had walked a way and closed the door When will i see you again When will the sky start to rain When will the star start to shine When will i know that you mine Did I ever meet you in the warmth of the sunshine And when we were both a thousand years away Did I ever hold you in the glow of the moon light And did we make every minute last another day That cold December night I gave my heart to you And by the summer you were gone Now as the days grow old and all the stars start to dim All I have are memories and this song When will I see you again When will the sky start to rain When will the star to shine When will i know that you mine It was in that misty morning when I saw your smiling face。
- 1 苹果开始研发20寸折叠屏 折叠状态下为15.3英寸
- 2 手机电池保养小技巧 先来看看你有没有这样的习惯
- 3 小米13创新搭载科技纳米皮背壳 更耐脏还不变色
- 4 平台2023年元旦假期机票搜索量涨超5倍 这次假期不需要调休
- 5 2023年旅行搜索量同比上涨超900% 大家明年有什么计划吗?
- 6 iQOO 11系列正式亮相 批搭载高通第二代骁龙8移动平台
- 7 AMD最火处理器正悄悄涨价 当前渠道最热销的CPU处理器是哪款?
- 8 智能手表销量继续增长 苹果在智能手表品类市场份额上涨至20%
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