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当前消息!DMC5 V台词整合

2023-04-23 03:47:33来源:哔哩哔哩







The hours of folly are measured by the clock, but of wisdom, no clock can measure.

The Angel that presided‘oer my birth

Said, “Little creature, form’d of Joy and Mirth,

Go love without the help of any Thing on Earth.”

"The cut worm forgives the plow." What do you say?

To see a world in a grain of sand

And a heaven in a wild flower,

Hold infinity in the palm of your hand

And eternity in an hour.

If the fool would persist in his folly he would become wise.”

One thought fills immensity.

Where there is a will, there is a way. Now let’s go.

I curse my stars in bitter grief and woe, that made my love so high and me, so low.

Little wanderer, hie thee home!

He who desires but acts not breeds pestilence.

As the air to a bird or the sea to a fish, so is contempt to the contemptible.

“I have no name,I am but two days old." Just kidding. You can call me V.

While thy branches mix with mine, and our roots together join.

So it is written.



Looks like Dante’s in trouble.

I’m going on ahead

Pick up the slack

Over here, nero


We have a minor errand before we reach Urizen.

I would not allow him to gain any more power

A phone…I wonder if I can reach that woman.

Human blood is the source of his strength. I must cut off his supply.

Descend it is…

this bridge looks unstable.

"If the fool would persist in his folly, he would become wise.”

A rare species but apparently not quite extinct. Until today that is.


Now to find an exit.

there must be an escape route.

This way I guess?

I’ll take that momentum, and send there right back. (Boss战“就让我借力使力吧”)

One thought fills immensity.

Can’t move forward without breaking through these.

That should make it a little easier for Nero.

Knock on wood.

Where there is a will, there is a way. Now let’s go.

The power to control time. That’s quite a horse.


Draw their focus for a while. We‘ll kill them one by one.

Can’t complain.

Irritating creatures.


This way.

Better to split up. We can cover more ground.

The Qliphoth has grown this large. How much blood has been sacrificed.

Let’s just get this over with.


This…presence…it’s the Devil Sword Sparda. No doubt about it

It’s mask changed?

It’s coming from the Qliphoth root.

So that’s your tactic. I’ll be sure to watch out for that.(Boss战“那就是你的战术?我会小心应对的”)


It’s an eyesore…I’d rather not to see it second time.

Descend it is…

Quite possibly. He has no reason to keep Dante alive.

It’s my turn to play with the Devil Sword.

If we have the Devil Sword Sparda, Nero might just be able to defeat him.

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t…but the past is…a bitter place for me.




Nero, don’t strain yourself. (别勉强自己)

I’m afraid not. I’ve got my own mission to complete.

I would never make the same mistake again.

I will…regain myself.

Down we go.

Looks like there’s a cave down there.


They’re safe.

So…this is where they are.

I’m claiming what’s mine.

Damn it…a little longer…hold on just…a little longer

Well, that’s not going to open.

This dimesion…is healing my body. (这个空间……我的身体正在得到治愈

Best we avoid it if possible. Especially given my…condition

I’m losing my power…better recover somehow


Where am I

My journey is…coming to an end

Agreed. It’s time we get back on course.

That’s one down.



You should not underestimate this demon, after all, it was he who took your right arm, and gain a great deal of power from it.

I'm leaving, I suggest you do not fall behind

Do you not understand? We cannot help to do this without you.


Come on!

We must leave here, he’s far too stronger than ever we could’ve imagine.

Stop pitying yourself and think a way’s to get stronger can actually help

If Dante loses, you’re all can defeat Urizen.

Yes, Urizen the demon king, that’s the name of the demon that took your arm.


He’s buying time but, it doesn’t look good.

Forget it. There’s nothing we can do. We must go.

M02 结尾

"I curse my stars in bitter grief and woe, that made my love so high and me, so low.”

"Little wanderer, hie thee home!”

Pardon my delay. I was catching up on some reading.

If Urizen defeated him, then I expect he's not much more than Qliphoth pollen by now.

Qliphoth, it’s a tree that grows in the underworld. It thrives on human blood and, those whose blood it sucks, well, let's just say they don't turn out too well.

Wait. First, we need to exterminate some Qliphoth roots.

M03 开篇

I think we should split into two groups.

I'll take my leave now. And if I don't see you along the way, I'll see you at the bottom of the Qliphoth.

M04 开篇

One can only hope.

But for now, we have a more pressing engagement.

"He who desires but acts not, breeds pestilence." So it’s written.


Not in this lifetime. "As the air to a bird or the sea to a fish, so is contempt to the contemptible.”


I'm afraid then that's a little bit more than I can take on right now.

M05 开篇

These Qliphoth roots…They're everywhere.

Then I guess we have some clearing up to do.


I see, I know what you are. Don't worry. I'll be gentle.


I'm fine. I must chase him. If the devil sword Sparda still exists, it may very well be our only hope.

For me, yes. But what if the boy, Nero?

let's go, once we are near the Sparta, even I should be able to sense its presence.

M06 结尾

I’ll leave this beast to you. I must press on.

M07 开篇

You can't travel through here in a car.

I'm glad to see you look so well.

I found these. If there's any use to you, they're yours.


Where evil lurks, I must destroy.


I just remembered something. This town was attacked once before.

I was here. I can still see it. In fact, I was playing right here. That was the house. This is where we part ways. You go ahead.

No, I must seek out the Devil Sword Sparta.

You are not the only one who thinks so. But to win this fight, we are going to need all the help we can get.

M09 开篇

”I have no name. I am but two days old.” Just kidding. You can call me V.

A Powerful demon is about to resurrect, and we need your help, Dante.

This is special.

This demon is your reason. Your reason for fighting.


Did you find it?

Well. Then I guess we keep going. The Devil Sword Sparta is nearby.

I'll be taking that back. You know your endless worshipping isn't making the Sparta any happier. 


It seems the Sword is still too strong for me.

That kid Nero, he has the strength.

The Devil Sword Sparta was concealing Dante’s present.

If only you could defeat Urizen…if only…no…If only you never existed…Then I!!

M10 开篇

I know how stubborn you can be. I thought it might be the only way to wake you.

The 15th…of June.

If you…could defeat Urizen…then I never would have dreamed of using that child. But Urizen is much stronger than we ever could have imagined.

M11 开篇

Our last hope Nero, was completely useless.

Wait. I'm not done talking yet.



Dante, wait!


Yes. And I don't think he can win.

It doesn't matter. I'm a shadow of my former self who lost everything. I will tell you the story of my birth.

M12 开篇

Suffering defeat after defeat that man's body was reaching its limit, breaking down, but he couldn't die yet. The man had a job that must be done. To defeat his twin brother.

In order to defeat his younger brother, he could only do one thing with the crumbling flesh and feelings. He needed to separate man from devil with the strength of the Yamato.

And eventually, the man became a true devil.

I've tried to hold together my crumbling flesh with what little demonic power I have left, but I'm approaching my limit.

And separating and regaining my human soul have realized the gravity of the crime I've committed. I've realized how important everything was. Everything I've thrown away in my pursuit of power.

Yes. Foolish. I thought that maybe he could change my…maybe fix…maybe right my wrong. Tell me. Was this fool before you Right?

M13 开篇

He's at the Top of the Qliphoth.

Let him go, Dante. Time is a luxury that we can no longer afford. We must chase after him posthaste.

I have a duty to see this through.

M14 开篇

Damn…Just a little longer…come on!

I must go…before he lose it…completely…


I know…but we must get through this…somehow…

M15 结尾

That I cannot do…I must go…

I must go…to where Urizen is.

I beg you! This is my last request.

M17 开篇

The truth is…I want to be protected…and loved…But I was alone…My only choice was to survive…

Nero…I would tell you…everything. There is no demon named Urizen. Only a man who threw away his humanity in an endless pursuit of power. He is Dante’s older brother.

Yes. And his real name is, Vergil.

击倒 Urizen

To see one’s justice through, a man must fight for it, even if the one who stands before him is his keen.

The brother’s blood disagree on the very reason of their existence. They must fight.

处决 Urizen

And the last through(? defeat I see…(没听出来。参考中文:看来你已战败,奄奄一息。)

No…please…let me…I want to end this battle with my own hands…

Do not struggle. If you can not even defeat me, and you’ve already lost.

I know…we are one and the same you and I. But you’ve lost me, and I’ve lost you. Yet we are connected by that one feeling. "While thy branches mix with mine, and our roots together join.”

